- 的 Office of 居住生活和住房 will assign new students to on-campus housing in 6月初, continuing to assign them every two–three weeks until the start of the semester.
- New students must complete and submit their housing applications as soon as possible to quickly get their assignment.
- To receive their assignment, all students must:
- 注册全职
- 提交住房申请
- 支付250美元的住房押金
阈值是 周五至周日的活动 8月下旬 for new students, the Friday being move-in day. 返回的学生 also move into their on-campus housing 周末 上课前. You may have a different move-in date if you’re a student leader, athlete, or international student. All students should check their North Park email for their assigned or expected moving day and time.
的 这学期的第五天 is the final day to decrease your meal plan for the fall semester. You can increase it at any time.
You can only switch rooms or roommates for the fall semester during the 这学期的第三周. Contact your area coordinator to start the process.
Students must leave campus housing by 10:00 a.m. 决赛后的星期六.
If you need to stay, you may apply to live on campus over winter break for an additional fee. 的 Office of 居住生活和住房 will share information about winter break housing and the application process by 10月.
Spring semester classes resume 1月中旬. Check your North Park email to see your assigned move-in time.
的 Friday of the first week of classes is the last day to decrease your meal plan. You can increase it at any time.
You can only switch rooms or roommates for the spring semester during the 这学期的第三周. Contact your area coordinator to start the process.
Campus housing is closed for spring break. Students wishing to stay must submit a spring break housing application, which the Office of 居住生活和住房 will send to their North Park emails.
All housing closes for the summer after finals week. Students must leave campus housing by 10:00 a.m. 决赛后的星期六. 毕业生及学生 参与 in Commencement may remain on campus until 10:00 a.m. 决赛后的星期天.